Tuesday, November 21

Sittin' on the Dock of a Bay

...Not really "sitting on the dock of the bay"..guess this is more of an imaginary location, a state of mind than an accurate geographical description. Yes, I am still poorly (nothing serious,but this flu is starting to bug me now!), hence I am more kinda sitting by the window,watching the rain pour down on a melanchonic autumn day and missing my best friend enormously. Our mothers have both been unwell recently and it has been pretty impossible to keep in touch with each other. Moreover, it doesn't help that we live at the two extremities of the planet earth. Gosh, don't know what I would give to see her right now. Last night I dreamt that we were walking on the road together, chatting away like in the good old days where words were often not needed.. the last time we saw each other was over two years ago when their gorgeous baby boy was born - and now I look at his pictures and he is a proper little man and I cannot even begin to tell how proud I am of her, of what she has accomplished and of who she is. SO, if you are readying this, Rie-chan, know that I love you lots and that I always will no matter where we are,what we are doing or what happens around us.

Otis Redding, "Sittin'on the Dock of a Bay"


Tane said...

Ivonne chan!
We miss you so much too!
Rie does more, I admit it, but I do too! At the moment she's feeling so sick, she'd love to hear your voice! I'll tell her about your post. Distance is a bummer. Next time u come, I'll cook and u girls can have your time. Rie's got a million and ONE thing to tell you. You never stop smiling lass, God has given u that gift for a reason. We pray for u and have our house always open for u!

Chiara said...

Ciao Ivonnossssssss...
sono ancora tronca dopo quei due bicchi a pranzo...che figata anche domani si ripetera' la stessa scena al pub!!!TVB. Poloz

Chiara said...

Ivonne ma quanti commenti ho gia' inviato? Che semantec!!! te l'ho detto che ero tronca!!!!!!xx

Chiara said...
