fat bitter woman on my shoulders. I got into church and I was,in so many words,sad. Then Neil spoke about a number of things I can't really remember, but I can certainly tell you of the moment when the penny dropped for me: if Jesus was stepping in your shoes, what would he do? Now, we are not a particularly "wishy-washy" Pentecostal gathering and although normally the 'What Would Jesus Do' thing creeps me out a little, this was an honest wake up call for me. What the pastor was encouraging us to do was not to take Christ out of his chronological and sociological context to fit our own purposes. More so, it was an invite to examine our story in the light of Jesus' teaching. Like if you are struggling for cash, Jesus ain't gonna tell you which investment plan to choose or which bank to rob, but he would tell you not to panic and to live a little bit more care-less-ly in the certainty of his faithfulness,care and provision. So when it comes to my personal troubles, I guess he would encourage me to see the forest (instead of banging my head against all of its trees!), to consider all the good past that has happened,that is happening and that will continue to happen but more importantlyI think he would tell me to get rid of the big-fat resentful bitchy lady I have been carrying around and to begin to dream big dreams again,soar like the eagles and to be extravagantly happy. And,unlike the Baron Hasbrown seems to think, I am one to rise up to the challenge EVERY TIME - and here is the evidence: this morning I wore my do-gooder t-shirt at church!!! Hence I shall rise to the challenge to live like Jesus and be EXTRAVAGANTLY HAPPY!!!*(Oh, and by the way,taking these pictures by myself was hilarious - I reccomend this method as a stress relieving escamotage to everyone!)
HAHAHA! You do pull the cheekiest faces! I'm impressed! My challenges will have to be more extravagant in future!!
PS. Sounds like you have proved my point re. happiness?
I know I can be so cheekey (comes with the package really!) -and your challenges will only be entitled to be more "extravagant" after you will rise to my challanges for you..(haven't thought of them yet,just gimme time). Re: Happiness,there is a part of me that agrees with you: a positive outlook to life and a little determination go a long way.Nonetheless,I believe there is a massive difference between self-motivation and divine Grace. You see, self-motivation fades and lets you down as soon as catastrophe occurs; Faith,on the contrary, pulls you through even when your own strengths abandon you..May be a combination of both our beliefs could be a winner. Meanwhile I so want to be HAPPY again!
funny pics ...
Funny message...
You used the word "escamotage"!!!
CA:you wee rascol!I should have known a linguistic connosceur such as yourself would have noticed straight away!!!Love you lots,xx
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