Thursday, August 24

Love Life

Tricky title,eh? Guess if you are reading this you thought I was gonna write about my "love life" - no way! This is better; this is a tale of falling in love with life itself again and Jeff Lucas says "to make every day a life adventure", to re-discover the little joys that make the whole journey worth it, and to love the "piece of Kingdom" God has put you upon so much that you will do your outmost to see it transformed for the better.
Ever since we came back from Kenya three weeks ago, I can't avoid the impression that the beauty of the land we walked upon, the friendliness of the ever smiling faces we encountered and the huge contraddictions we witnessed has laid upon my soul.
The antagonism between poverty and wealth, beauty and exploitation, plenty and need it's blatant and it makes you sad, then tearful, then angry and then it's your call: either you turn your back, go home and forget about it or you seek to make that emotion shape not just your memories, but also your course of action with regards to the way you conduct your life in the "world" you live in.
I am reminded of Dennis, one of the locals we worked with. It was not only his gentleness, humility, wisdom and sophistication which impressed us, but above all it was his undeniable and fierce love for Kenya and its people. No compromise there:God loves Kenya, so does Dennis..with a true passion which is not mere "good-wishing" but transforming energy at work.
An epiphany of God's own heart, the realization of what really matters and a lot of compassion: that's what I need. I need to wake up every morning..any kind of morning and enthusiastically love the land I walk upon and live every day with contageous passion. Love life in all its fullness!

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