Thursday, October 19

Fields of Lavender

The title of this blog is taken from an old sermon I preached at Bible college in my third year. People who know me below the skindeep fully know about my fascination for lavender. Although I don't particularly like the colour of it, I cannot deny that its fragrance,colour,exhuberance and versatility are a true masterpiece. However, "fields of lavender" is not a talk on botanics - it is more of a concept. Just over a couple of years ago, I had one of those never ending conversations with a friend about "this,that and the other", God, history, relationships..(life in general, I guess). We both shared and, still share, a common like for the cinematographic rendering of Alice Walker's novel "The Color Purple" (1985). Besides starring a sensational Whoopy Goldberg, it is an incredibly thought-provoking movie. It is a tale about racisism, social prejudice, violence, love, secrets,lies, dreams, nostalgia and the triumph of Life. One of the most unassuming yet most powerful scenes is the one where Shug Avery, the showbiz pastor's daughter, the prodigal's son's prototype in the story line, recites the famous words: " I think it pisses God off when you walk by the color purple in a field and don't notice it."As irreverent as it may sound, I believe there is so much truth underneath those words. God's Love not only whispers to us in the silence and stillness of our hearts, but it shouts out in its loudest manifestations: the beauty and perfection of creation. Trees, hills, sea, wild life; then think of the colour purple, of a little purple flower, then contemplate a field of lavender and the love of God for humankind will be ampliphied before your very eyes. Just a thought. By the by, the puuuuuuuuuuurfect engagement proposal would be in a field of lavender - pass the word around! Dream on!!!!!

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