Friday, October 20

La Brum del Capo Ha un Buco in Una Gomma

The Tale of the Burst Tyre

This story is too good not to be shared.
About six months ago I was running late for work (as usual) and driving like a maniac trying to make it on I drove up the various levels in the car park, desperately trying to find a parking space, I hit the curb and burst a tyre. Now,you all know that my little motor hadn't been too well at the time, so this was like the icing on the cake! I went upstairs,phoned a coupple of motor-friendly mates who adviced me on where to get a new tyre..nevertheless the problem of how to get the car back home still could I possibly drive a car with a tyre missing? Needless to say that the blondie that I can sometimes be was clueless about the fact that,by law, every car must have a spare wheel somewhere in the boot..Once I discovered I did have a spare wheel, I attempted to change it. Too bad, I am a wee bit useless at mechanical stuff. So I called out for some help from the manly men at the first there was one, than two, then three and then an unassuming little old fellow came along and within minutes the wheel got changed and I was on my way home. As soon as I got home I was eager to get rid of the old tyre..too bad I chucked it away (together with the £120 worth alloy wheel).
Moral of the story:
a. I am not mechanically inclined and I am proud of it!
b. Every car must have a spare tyre by law
c. I have made some bin man ever so happy!
d. I need a man who knows how to work a car out properly!

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