Thursday, June 14

Murphy's Law

People who know me well, always get me books (or music/movies) on special occasion. On my 13th Christmas, my auntie Laura got me my first ever Murphy's Law book - since then, I was hooked. For those of you who have never come across it (shame on ya!), "Murphy's Laws" are a random logical, and less logical, collection of considerations of the cliques on modern life. They include reflections such as "Anything that can go wrong, will—at the worst possible moment", “If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it.” My mate Stefan, who I have recently discovered secretly reads this blog (hi there!), has re-adapted some of those sayings for me, for example: "if there is anything to be walked into, Ivonne will walk into it", "If anything tragic is going to happen, it will happen to Ivonne" . Thing is that: he is right (doh! I hate to say those words!!!). Ivonne could be a dictionary entry under synonyms for clumsiness, dizziness, frequent lack of common sense. Prime example, last night I was training at the gym with my cheeky personal trainer (I swear that guy is getting meaner by the minute!), doing some chest presses on the Swiss-ball; once I finished, I put the weights down and ridiculously fell off on my butt in a rather un-lady-like manner - not once, but twice! Totally Bridget Jones' style (too bad I got my own back when Matt, showing off as he was demonstrating an exercise, fell off the main stairs in front of the whole gym..his face turned raw red and we all laughed loudly!). The story does not end here. As I have previously told you, my departure is only five weeks away and, because my beloved housemate has decided to move out as well (can't blame her: how do you find some one like me to share a house with?! - in a bedlam) I am in the process of selling all of my furniture on e-bay. I am dizzy, but highly organized. So, in order not to waste time and run the risk of going crazy few days before I leave, I have listed pretty much everything on e-bay - somehow thinking that no-one would have wanted to buy my stuff.. so I sat there on Sunday night and made a list of all the pieces of furniture I'll need to sell: fridge, washer, sofas, bedside table, bed.. and what's the first thing that the 'blond' lady puts on the market?! and what's the item that sells within a day?! Moral of the story: as from tomorrow, the wee Italian chick shall be camping in her own home for 4 weeks!
Have a laugh on me.
PS: Stef, can I borrow you air-bed?! (",)


Gorilla Bananas said...

Hello Ivonne. Where will you be going after spending 4 weeks at home?

The Wee Italian Chick said...

You haven't been reading my blog for a while,Gorilla, have you? I am moving back to Italy in just under 5 weeks time!! Yuppy!!!

Cayetana Altovoltaje said...

Crazy things going on! Is the bed really gone? You can seize the chance to experience the real yogi lifestyle, you know. Sleep on the floor, good for the karma. Whatevuh. Hey girl, I'm making falafel tonight. Just thought I would remind ya. Love.

Karenkool said...

hahaha--well, one thing down... many more to go.

Baron Hashbrown said...

Having driven to Liverpool twice the other week because I forgot the concert tickets I am in no position to criticise... but that is funny.

The Wee Italian Chick said...

Cayetana - more that yogi, I am going to be like Yogi the bear!!! Feel free to visit any time! Thanks for the dinner offer, next time, I promise! Mind you once the cooker and the fridge are gone, I'll be a regular customer at Tiziana's!!! ;)

Karen: amusing my fellow blogger is becoming an addictive habit of mine! Fancy some indoor-camping?

Baron: the story of the Sea Sick Steve was hilarious - I am glad I am not the only "blond" one and that dizziness spans across genders!

Cayetana Altovoltaje said...

Ivonne, are you selling your food processor?
Oh and my particular Murphy's law is: "if there is anything even remotely breakable in the house, bea will break it". You and Tiziana now know.