"If You Are Happy and You Know It...Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!"
I know,I know:I haven't blogged for a whole four days and, indeed, it does feel like as if I was missing a limb or had been fasting for weeks or something!!So here is a little riview of the week-end. First of all, here is a little after-gig review... I had got some tickets for Stefan for Christmas to see New York band "Clap Your Hands Say Yeah" which eventually we saw on Friday at the Academy. Although slightly clinical in their approach with a remarkably warm audience, they delivered:big time-they played a few songs from the new album,which only came out in the UK at the beginning of last week,so nobody really knew them though they were really quite catchy; then the old stuff came on and it was wicked awesome!I laughed,jumped and sang at the top of my lu
ngs like no-man-business!Loved it! Saturday was such a "chilled- out"day. Don't you just love it when the telephone is disconnected, you don't have any plans for the day, it's cold and gloomy outside and the alarm ain't gonna go off and you are there,snuggled under your warm duvet, sleeping like a baby until your body has had enough of this heavenly bliss?! I do - sleeping still remains one of my top ten most favourite life activities! Thank God for sleep!!! Spoke to my mom, had a catch up with a few mates, watched Friends on T4,went to the cinema to see "Blood Diamond", had a take-away with friends..pure bliss! Sunday morning, church as usual,lunch with friends,watched a movie together,got home,chilled out for a little while,went out to a fancy-pansy pub with the boys, had a jolly good laugh.. and now it's Monday and,although it is blinking cold outside and I am at work, I am taken by surprise by an unexpected sense of wellbeing and happiness, dare I say. Even the guy deliverying free papers on Market Street stopped me to remark on how happy I looked - guess I must be. And for all this I am truly grateful: "Morning by morning new mercies I see; all I have needed Thy hand has provided. Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto me!"
Thought you deserved a wee taste of 'Clap Your Hands Say Yeah' - so here is a video of my fave song by them:ironically, "
Is This Love?"
-Enjoy! Also,mainly for Jay and Mike's information, the Manchester Phoenix won three games in a row,including two consecutive wins against the scary Belfast Giants-
so I hear! Guess this link is necessary:well done!
Lucky you. My weekend was taken up with work and my new role as virtuoso studio photographer... well I hope so. I have to wait and see what the client thinks of the photos! Keep smiling
Hey housemate, glad you had fun at the concert. Some good stuff I've been listening to recently: Deerhof, "Friend Opportunity", and Susanna and the Magical Orchestra, "Melody Mountain" (pretty mellow, not at all for jumping and screaming)
HOpe you liiike :)
Awww,bless,poor Baron(",)Sorry you had to work at the week-end(bet that makes a distinctive change from your usual "youtube" sessions!(only messing,we all know you always work really hard..)
Finger crossed with the client though having seen some of your work and I am confident you'll do great!
Let's hope for a better week-end!!!
Lovin' the hints,housemate;-):I'll be checking them out as soon as I'm home - quirky names as usual,ah?!
BTW,Cayetana,how the heck do you put music on your blog?!you are now a guru in computer/blog wizzardery!!!
Big up to the Manchester Phoenix massif, sounds like they're on a winning streak.
And your weekend sounds nice, it's good to be happy :)
喂小的意大利小鸡! 抱歉关于我的对格岗位以前! 我感到偏执关于假意大利人! 我认为薪水以邮寄为和拍您的手!
Feeds the small Italian chicken! Regret about before mine accusative post! I feel biased about the false Italian! I thought the wage take mails as Blood Diamond and pats your hand!
Thanks,Jay-I am surprised to be doing so well given the circumstances!
Come on Phoenix is right!
Mu Tai Tong,it's good to see you on my blog-I didn't understand your last comment and I shall try to post something in Italian soon,but I would appreciate it if you could be a little less abusive of both myself and other commentators.
What's your email address?
If you want to put music on your blog, there's a bunch of webpages where you can find music files and an html code to copy and paste. I use radioblogclub.com and www.goear.com. You can either search for the music you want, or upload it yourself from your collection and create your own playlist. I am a lazy one and mostly just search and find what I want to listen to ;)
CA:that's ace,hun!I shall try soon.Didn't get a chance to listen to those bands you mentioned last night,but I will.Off to see "Duke Special" tonight in Liverpool - should be good! xx
我无法帮助它小的意大利小鸡! 我害怕这是火热的中国条纹在我
I am unable to help its young Italy chicken! I am afraid this am the fiery Chinese stripe in me
I am afraid,MTD,but if you can't moderate your comments,I'll have to delete them.
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