Tuesday, October 31

My List of Dreams..

Following yesterday's blog on "The Making of Dreams" here is my list of dreams - most recent update!
In no particular order..
1.Become a mum..sad isn't it?!But that's always been one of my greatest aspirations.
2.To be a medical doctor and a good one too..
3.To sail around the world (combination of my fascination for water,cultures and travelling)
4.To backpack South America (guess I have been slightly influenced by El Che?)
5.Learn at least three other languages (ideally French,Japanese and Spanish)
6.To live in New York or Paris
7.To retire in a Tuscan Cottage
8.To write a chidren's story book (maybe not for publishing,but for my kids)
9.To be proposed to in a field of lavender
May I add at this point that many of my old dreams have already come to pass such as graduating, learning English, living in a foreign country, seeing Kyoto/Japan, having my nose pierced,visiting Kenya (and seeing baby elephants from close up)...

I am just actively seeking to realize the other ones...(apart from no. 1 and 9..can't do that by myself unfortunately!)


Baron Hashbrown said...

Haha! You old romantic!

When I eventually give in and swap my house for a yacht I'll be needing a crew! However to fit in with my pirate aspirations, you would have to wear a pirate costume (an eye patch is essential) and know how to splice a mainbrace as I haven't got a clue...

The Wee Italian Chick said...

Lovin' the new picture,surfy dude!! Re: sailing the world - count me in! I can most definitively go with the outfit..although I have no idea about slicing mainbraces, I'm afraid! Besides, don't you be slagging off my childish romanticism!!! xx