Sunday, November 5

Heart's Cravings

There are particular seasons of life when, although my life is so closely intertwined with my faith, I feel the urge to persue increasing closeness to God, when humanity ceases to matter as much as usual and I begin to be drown to the divine more and more.. It was bizarre at church this morning when suddenly despite all of my concerns and fears, I just could not pray the usual "spiritual shopping list" to God, but I had to simply worship Him for who he is and I loved it! It is like Jesus' words in the gospels when he urges us to seek his kingdom first and he shall add all those things we so strenously worry about unto us,,,without our aid! And it is not about being "airy fairy" or detached from reality - but it is a spirit freeing act: through worshipping God and seeking Him before anything else we are putting Life into perspective because, in the end of the day, he is the one who is in charge of it all! And living carelessly (without cares) in the knowledge of his supreme kingship inspires me to live my life to the full..Every person I meet is suddenly transformed into the image of the Creator and even annoying interruptions become, as Stefan would say, "HOLY MOMENTS"!

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